About the Definitions
Our coding is based on district-wide policies collected from direct contact with a district representative, district webpages, social media announcements, and for select states, based on state mask mandates or mandate bans. To ensure uniformity in collector responses, the district’s masking requirements are coded into two mutually exclusive categories:
Mask Optional |
The district is mask optional for students and staff or hags a partial mask requirement which is less than the CDC’s original Fall 2021 guidance that all teachers and students should wear masks indoors. Student and staff have the option to wear masks.
Districts that read “Mask Optional – Risky” in the label are those who are mask optional and in counties that were in the CDC’s red category for “High Community Transmission,” under the February 2022 masking guidance. |
Mask Required |
The district requires all staff and students to wear masks indoors in accordance with the CDC’s original Fall 2021 guidance.
Districts that read “Mask Required – Cautious” in the label are those that require masking and are located in counties that were in the CDC’s yellow or green categories for “Medium and Low Community Transmission,” under the February 2022 masking guidance. |
About the Chart
The map of Mask Requirements and CDC COVID-19 Community Levels by County displays a heat map of counties by their COVID-19 community levels, as measured by the CDC. The CDC looks at the combination of three metrics to determine the COVID-19 community level, classified as low, medium, or high. Each colored dot represents a district color coded according to its instructional model for the current week.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and CDC’s U.S. COVID-19 Community Levels by County, 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/community-levels.html About the Data
Mask mandates imposed after March 1 will be reflected in next week’s data update.
About the Table
The table displays mask requirements by levels of community risk for the U.S. and each state, as outlined by the CDC COVID-19 Community Levels by County Map, under the February 2022 masking guidance.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and CDC’s U.S. COVID-19 Community Levels by County, 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/community-levels.html
About the Chart
The chart displays the percentage of students in mask required and mask optional districts, by levels of community risk for the U.S. and each state. The bars are calculated by dividing the percentage of students in a mask required or mask optional district with the total percentage of students in a given level of community risk.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and CDC’s U.S. COVID-19 Community Levels by County, 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/community-levels.html
Adult Baccalaureate
Adult baccalaureate rates refer to the proportion of adults with bachelor’s degrees or higher in the county. High adult baccalaureate refers to districts in counties whose population averages adult baccalaureate rate was above the national average. Low adult baccalaureate refers to districts in counties with baccalaureate rates below the national average.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University, 2021, https://edopportunity.org/
District Size
District size indicates the number of schools in a district. We defined small districts as those with three to five operational schools. Medium districts have between six and 11 operational schools. Lastly, large districts are defined as having 12 or more operational schools.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and Common Core of Data, 2019, National Center for Education Statistics.
Mask Prevalence, Summer 2020
Mask usage was measured in summer of 2020 and indicates the estimated percentage of people within a county who would say “always” in response to the question “How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person?” These data were collected from an online survey by the global data and survey firm Dynata at the request of The New York Times. Survey responses were collected between July 2 and July 14, 2020.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and Mask Wearing Survey Data at the New York Times, 2020, https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data/tree/master/mask-use
Minority Students
High minority districts are those that have a higher percentage of non-white students than the national district average. Low Minority districts have a below average percentage.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and Common Core of Data, 2019, Nation Center for Education Statistics.
Presidential Vote
Presidential vote indicates counties’ voting histories in the 2020 election. “Majority Trump Votes” refers to a district that resides in a county the majority of the population voted for Donald Trump. “Majority Biden Votes” refers to a district that resides in a county where the majority of the population voted for Joe Biden.
Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)
Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates from the US Census Bureau report the percentage of children aged 5-17 in poverty at the school district level. High SAIPE refers to districts above the national district average for this measure, and low SAIPE districts are those below the average.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and US Census Bureau Data, 2020, https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe.html
Urbanicity refers to whether the district is primarily located in urban, suburban or rural locales.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and Common Core of Data, 2019, Nation Center for Education Statistics.
Vaccine Hesitancy
Gathered in March of 2021, Vaccine hesitancy reflects the estimated percentage of people within a county who then indicated that they would “probably not” or “definitely not” receive a COVID-19 vaccine when available. Estimates are based on responses to a question (“Once a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is available to you, would you get a vaccine?”) from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS) on March 3, 2021 – March 15, 2021.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L data and Vaccine Hesitancy for COVID-19: State, County, and Local Estimates, US Department of Health and Human Services, 2021, https://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/vaccine-hesitancy
In-Person instruction 2020-21
Measures of districts in-person instructional offerings are based on 2020-21 . High In-person districts are those who offered more cumulative in person instructional offerings than the national district average. Low In-Person districts are those whose cumulative offerings were below the national average.
Source: Author’s calculations using R2L Instructional Offerings data.